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英文名:Beta-Glucan (Barley;Med Viscosity) 5g


规格:5 grams

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 1. Which barley beta-glucan do you recommend for the glucanase assay? There are three kinds of barley beta-glucan availabale from Megazyme – high viscosity, medium viscosity and low viscosity.

For glucanase assay, we recommend the medium viscosity beta-glucan.  We now offer low, medium and high viscosity wheat arabinoxylans, and we think that the low viscosity material will be best (easiest) to use in the reducing-sugar assay.

2. Both substrates; barley beta-glucan and wheat arabinoxylan, are standardised to a specific viscosity, e.g. 23-24 cSt. Are the substrates adjusted to give this viscosity?

The substrates are enzymically treated to yield the required viscosity (20 ~ 30 cSt). Modification of the viscosity of beta-glucan is required for IOB viscometric malt beta-glucanase test (which works well).

3. I would like to vacuum dry the standards instead of measuring the moisture content. I wish to dry them at a temperature lower than used in the preparation in Megazyme. Would you please give me some suggestions?

We suggest that you dry the β-glucan powders further in a vacuum oven at about 50˚C.  This will lower the moisture content to approximately 1-2%.

4. I understand a specific polymer can be used for the assay of malt β-glucanase and celluloses. I would very much like to know which polymer this β-glucan is?

The polymer you require is barley beta-glucan (medium viscosity).  The beta-glucan that we supply is pure 1,3:1,4-beta-D-glucan.  Barley β-glucan is also susceptible to hydrolysis by cellulase.

5. Although not specified on the beta-glucan data sheet, is the ratio of 1-3 to 1-4 bonds measured? If so, what is the ratio and would you expect it to remain standardised over a number of different batches?

The content of 1,3 bonds in barley beta-glucan is about 32% (from literature).  We would not expect this to change much (if at all) over different batches.

7. I have purchased barley beta-glucan (lot 30108) and carob galactomannan low viscosity (lot 30702) and would like to know what else there might be in these substrates.

Barley beta-glucan lot 30108 would contain about 3-4% arabinoxylan (this was produced in 1993).  Material supplied post 1995 contains < 0.5% arabinoxylan.  Carob galactomannan is quite pure (> 96%).

8. Low, Medium, High Viscosity β-Glucans, are they naturally occurring at these MW's or are the MW fractions obtained by some other process?

The high molecular weight beta-glucan is the naturally occurring; this is enzymically modified to give the other viscosities. 


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